Uncategorized Quiz “You’re Not Alone” | @QuizIsDope admin Los Angeles veteran artist Quiz has been on an epic campaign leading up to the release of his latest album and this week, he has pre... 04600
Videos Aziza Cree Ft Dan IDK – “Famous” | @AzizaCree admin Oakland’s new songstress, Aziza Cree, gets real in her new “Famous” visual. With lyrics by Dan IDK, the Bay Area b... 02400
Singles Young Giantz – “Fly High” @YOUNGGIANTZ1 [Submitted By @blitzb_60505] admin Los Angeles bred rap duo Young Giantz have released their new single, “Fly High”, the lead record from their upcoming Se... 01400
Videos AB of YH NOBODY (OFFICIAL VIDEO) @abofyh [ SUBMITTED BY @officialbigjohn ] admin AB of YH NOBODY AB of YH aka Bizzle is a versatile rapper and overall artist, hailing from the Bay Area – Oakland, California.... 04200